Online Save-the-Date ♥

To cut down wedding costs, Mark and I mutually decided to have an online Save-the-Date instead, rather than have the cards printed out. It’s not just practical, but the information that we’re going to tell our guests are not that limited. Usually, the information on the STD cards only includes the date of the wedding and the church where the wedding ceremony would take place.

Here are some actual STD cards grabbed from Wink’s website:

But since we’ll have it posted online (Thank you so much Wix!), we get to inform our guests, a brief background about the wedding. 

The design we were supposed to print out for our Save-the-Date cards, became the background for the main page on the website. But of course, only the guests will be informed the actual link of the website. We don’t want to divulge and inform every one  the website link. LOL. Here’s a glimpse of how the actual website looks like:

Disclaimer: The background has been truncated for privacy purposes. hehe!

Suppliers list

Guests can check all the information about the wedding. Starting from the wedding date, down to our wedding motif. =) There is also a link on the website for the virtual map where guests can check how to go to the church and reception.

Total savings: 1,500 plus taxes– (1,500 is still 1,500) – we can already buy a lot of stuff with this amount!  The last time I checked w/ Wink, their STD costs 15 per piece and minimum order would be 100 pieces. Tee Hee, we’re only eyeing for 100 guests, and I don’t think we have to give each and every one of them an STD card. LOL. We don’t want to throw the extra pieces, or keep em’ on a treasure box. hehe. But we’ll surely get their services for our wedding invitations. =)

Wedding Invitations Ideas

Though we haven’t informed formally the special people (primary sponsors & bridal entourage) who will take part on our wedding day, Mark and I are almost done with our guest list. We only reserved 100 seats in GEH, and will only add tables 2 weeks before the wedding day for our additional guests. There are really great chances that the number of guests would increase, because ideally, preparing & finalizing the guests should be done at least 3 weeks before the wedding date. Most especially, there will be a someone, who would tell that they would attend the wedding, but come the day itself, they wouldn’t even bother telling you that they can’t make it. LOL.

So along with the guest lists, I think this is also a great time to think of the invites we’re going to give out. We only want our invites to be simple – not too much ornaments, beads, crystals and the like; but not to the extent that we’d only use a simple colored paper.

One of my Bridesmaid’s friend, would like to design our invites. Concept would be a CD case wherein we could also give as a souvenir for our guests. But I told her I don’t want CD’s to be inserted on the invitations, just a plain invite would do. Here’s the sample pic:

But the problem with this is, I don’t want our pictures to be printed on the invites. After all, there will come a time that our invitations will be thrown out after our wedding.  ☻☻☻ — I don’t want someone to see our pictures on the invites on a trash can.
My P/V is also willing the do the layout and print out invitations. But it remains to be seen though; since I still want to canvass and enjoy myself visiting the busy streets of Divisoria and try to haggle with the manong’s and manang’s.

So here are the sample designs I want for my invites: 

To be honest, it’s quite difficult to find Brown & Pink wedding invitations online, since most of the searches that came up on Google are for Debuts, Baby Shower & Baptismal. I hope this wouldn’t a problem for us. ♥ Or could it be that our color preferences do not match for a wedding event? Oh well, hopefully not! LOL

From Pale pink to Champage Gold then back to Brown and Pink ♥

From Orange and Gold, to Green and Pink, towards Brown and Pink then down to Pale Pink and Champagne Gold, and now we’re back to Brown Pink!
Mark said to me last Sunday that he didn’t want the Palette that GEH has for our motif (Pink and Gold). We do not want to buy new fabrics just to follow our motif, and so he said that we should stick with our concept, which is brown and pink. It shouldn’t be hard for me looking for styles and gowns for this motif, since I have been searching this style earlier this year.
Here’s a glimpse of how their fabric looks like for the Pale pink and gold:
Not even close to the motif we would like to have on our wedding. Good thing their fabric for brown and shade of pink really matched the colors we really wanted. And so we’re back to Brown & Pink! 🙂 (I find this much easier to search for wedding styles, as compared to Pale Pink & Gold.)
 If there’s one color that looks good on almost every Pinoy and Pinay, it’s brown. Not only does brown look good on healthy, tanned skin–for wedding attire, a brown lends just the right amount of class and warmth. A brown bag, sash or pair of shoes, simply adds a chic touch without being too loud. This neutral shade can also fit almost anyone–regardless of age or size–so, you don’t have to worry dressing your entourage should you choose this flexible shade. Another plus for this color is that it may be easily paired with other hues as well. — from
Here’s the concept ♥